WE SPEAK ENERGYtap anywhere to close playerOrion Strategies has guided projects across the country through permitting and construction and into operation.Watch the VideoFEDERAL AFFAIRStap anywhere to close playerOrion Strategies brings decades of experience and an ever-widening breadth of knowledge into legislative chambers, executive offices and regulatory hearing rooms.Watch the VideoINDUSTRY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTtap anywhere to close playerOrion Strategies applies research and the firm’s deep expertise to help clients navigate major events, national news stories, crisis response, media campaigns and more, working to ensure the best results every time.Watch the VideoSTATE AFFAIRStap anywhere to close playerOrion Strategies holds a deep understanding and maintains relationships at the state level in order for both national and local clients to have their voices heard.Watch the Videokeyboard_arrow_leftprevnextkeyboard_arrow_right